Get your mind right
Joseph has been working on a secret project that he calls The Great UNMASKING designed to reveal exactly how through a combination of ordinary upbringing and enculturation, schooling, and relentless media intrusions, impositions, and indoctrination we are covertly being directed to a kind of "corporate think" that confuses and blinds us to the reality of who we were before any of that, and therefore keeps us ignorant of who we are and who we are capable of being now.
This has stifled innovation, creativity, and growth... it has instead created phenomena such as impostor syndrome, deep discontent, and joylessness for millions of gifted individuals.
Dr. Joseph Riggio exposes a very simple answer:
The Great Unmasking
This insidious process happens below the level of conscious awareness for most folks. Joseph has made it his mission to reveal the process, the learning that's being installed in us, and the way out to a freedom of mind and choice that's only available when you're fully awake to the truth of who you actually are ... extraordinary and magnificent, capable of everything you dream of ... and more ... UNMASK NOW!

A bit about Joseph and The Great Unmasking ...
Dr. Joseph Riggio is single-handedly leading a revolution that UNMASKS humans and has them wake up to their truth. The truth that they are extraordinary, creative, magnificent creatures who have been constrained by economic, political and societal norms that have been institutionalized to keep us small.
Joseph works privately with some of the most outwardly successful people on the planet, who are secretly somewhere between existential angst and full blown ontological crisis. Unlike his contemporaries, his work leaps beyond getting them past their discomfort, instead focusing on what irritates them using it as a lens to get to what is most superb about them that they haven't given expression to yet ...
They unmask. They become free. They identify and actualize their deepest, most potent dreams.
Working with Joseph shows you how to peel away the layers of learned behaviors, habits and norms that are keeping you small instead returning you to your purest form: living fully, joyfully and with absolute freedom.
Joseph's clients go on to create extraordinary relationships, raise remarkable children, build hugely successful businesses and do great work in the world. They truly become masters of their lives.
In these ways Joseph has been demonstrating the efficacy of the method he designed, the MythoSelf Process, for over 30 years.
In simple biographical terms, Dr. Riggio is a neurocognitive scientist, Master NLP Trainer, personal optimization architect and professional advisor to extraordinary humans. A sought-after trainer, speaker, facilitator, and coach.

Ready To Up Your Game Now?
Then you're ready for ...
Mastering The Human Game℠
Here's The Simple Truth: We are brainwashed through the education, political, and social systems to play a character, FITTING A MASK OVER US, forcing us to adopt a persona that isn't who we are, and burying our TRUEST SELVES.
It's "The Game" ... we all play it, we have no choice, we're born into it, and then the rules of the game are programmed into us, before we have a mind of our own.
Experiencing "Mastering the Human Game" is Dr. Joseph Riggio's simple solution to winning "The Game" on your own terms, designed to free you and give you the tools you need to write your own rules!
This is the heart of "The Great Unmasking"
JOIN THE CONVERSATION ... Happening Now In Our Free CommunityBegin Your Unmasking Here ...
Mastering The Human Game:
Communication is Thinking;
Thinking is Communication
Our Promise And Commitment To You:
Train with us and become a Master Communicator.
Actually we think it's quite simple ...
"When you master your thinking you master your communication/
when you master your communication you master your thinking.
We define masterful communication as the ability to recognize and properly interpret the messages your exposed to, remain in control of yourself, and communicate effortlessly to create successful outcomes with others ... as a leader, in sales, in relationships, as a negotiator, resolving conflict, reaching consensus, making a presentation, speaking publicly, telling stories, offering advice, comforting a loved one ... and more.
Master your thinking AND your communication,
and ... you master your life."
This is the Yin and Yang of thought and communication.
Communicating masterfully gives you personal and professional power.
The roadmap to communication mastery begins with self awareness, sensory acuity, and perception. When you possess the ability to pick up on what's happening around you, what others are saying and doing, as well as what they are not saying or doing, and what that means, then you'll know how to read the situations you're in with precision and deep understanding.
Beyond your ability to perceive what's happening, and even to predict what's going to happen before it does, being a master communicator means being adaptable and able to adjust yourself instantly, knowing what to say and do, and specifically how to say it, that gets the results you want and expect with and from others.
THIS is Communication Mastery ... and it's at the very heart of Mastering the Human Game.
We've been at this work of guiding others to becoming master communicators for more than three decades. We've designed and delivered programs, and refined our process, working with thousands of clients globally who swear by our approach and the results they've gotten. Now we will help you integrate these ideas and skills to take back control of your life and begin getting the outcomes you expect for for yourself and with others by becoming master communicator too.
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Explore the Master the Human Game Community, it's 100% free to begin ...
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Are you ready to live a ZERO COMPROMISE life?
ZERO COMPROMISE means "Having It All!" without sacrificing the most important things in your life on the way.
The starting point is always the famous dictum, "KNOW THYSELF" and that's where we'll begin ... from there the sky's the limit.
"Cause, remember: no matter where you go ... there you are." - Buckaroo Banzai
Simplicity Is The Key
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein
Life is complex, and sometimes it seems to be getting more complex by the minute, so it's important to pay attention to all the parts and pieces that make up what you refer to as "having YOUR life."
"Have the experience of YOUR life!"
- Joseph Riggio
This idea of having YOUR life, and not the one imposed upon you that you were branded with and expected to carry, has been at the core of our philosophy and methodology for more than three decades. Yet, we find that most people spend far too much time wearing a mask and living inside of a persona. They only wear the mask in order to get along with and meet the expectations of others ... preventing them from having the possibility, or any time, to experience their life as themselves.
Express exactly who you are ... elegantly and effortlessly.
It's time to drop the mask ... and ... CHANGE NOW!
We designed "Mastering the Human Game" so you can "Have the experience of YOUR life" exactly as you want it to be, with ZERO COMPROMISE.
Better yet, join us and we'll show you precisely how to pull all the pieces together so you can start living from your center in all the ways you have probably dreamt of ... let us show you exactly what it looks and feels like to live a life of ZERO COMPROMISE and then lay out the exact steps for you to take to have it all, once and for all.
Join The Conversation HereA Personal Note from Joseph:
I'm Dr. Joseph Riggio, and my primary focus has been on helping my clients rediscover their natural and innate magnificence so they can get unstuck and experience the breakthrough they desire in their businesses and their lives.
"Officially" I'm a behavioral neurocognitive scientist (Whew! ... that's a mouthful!) ... and I'm the founder, and the chief scientific designer at Applied Behavioral Technologies Institute too.
For the past thirty years, I've been busy developing and designing methods and ways based in deep neurocognitive science and skillful application to my client's outcomes. I've been helping executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals, as well as elite athletes, entertainers, artists and others from around the world, to get past negative self-talk, self-doubt and self-deception, so they can find balance and integration in their professional and personal lives ... without their sacrificing success, or what's truly most important, along the way.
If we decide to work together I won't pull punches or wear kid gloves with you, but I also won't go out of my way to be intentionally mean or disrespectful ever ... I'll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear, and always keep what I say focused on why we agreed to do what we're doing, always in your best interests ... and, you can take that to the bank!
Together, we'll find the answer to this question:
"Who are you behind and before the mask you wear and hide behind today?'
In fact, the question that is most often foremost in my mind is: "After working with me, have you come to really know yourself as you are, beyond the pretense and masks you wear ... and are you creating the results and outcomes you intend … more effortlessly and elegantly than you did before we worked together?"
Simply put ... "The bottom line is the bottom line."

“Joseph is one of the most brilliant communicators – and teachers of communications – I’ve ever met!”

“Joseph has helped me as an executive coach. He is excellent at thinking out of the box and articluating issues clearly. He is also very effective in assisting with interpersonal issues.”

CEO APM Terminals | NED | Maritime | Ports | Logistics
“With his direct and candid style Dr. Riggio gets right to the core of what is essential for you. This combined with his decades of experience and excellent business acumen, makes him the consultant and educator of choice for business professionals who are serious about developing their effectiveness as leaders.”

“Joseph is a phenomenon. Being in the room with him elicits a palpable charge of excitement from his audience. I have taken several seminars with this man, and can honestly say that he has shown me a structure for how to better move through life. When one starts from the premise that anything is possible, it is easy to see how to live optimally, and to make decisions that productively impact ones business, personal life as well as general emotional state. Check him out for yourself, and tell me if I’m wrong. I dare ya!
As featured on
You Are BETTER Than What Keeps You Small!
So ... where to next?

Watch "The Aesthetics of Decision Making" & Then Download
In this very short video and PDF Dr. Joseph Riggio lays out the reason why it's sometimes so difficult to express ourselves fully, especially professionally in the world of business, and ... the disappointment, frustration, anger, and panic that can result when we suppress who we truly are to meet the expectations of others, including the neuroscience behind why that happens, and an explanation of the step-by-step process you can use to get back to your center, begin acting and expressing yourself creatively, and become free of self-imposed limitations or the need to unnecessarily respond to the demands of others.

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"Mastering the Human Game"
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The LIVE Online Training Experience That We Guarantee Will Change Your Life!
When you're ready you can discover and explore our proactive, positive approach to personal and professional transformation, POWER | CREATIVITY | INFLUENCE, designed and engineered by Dr. Joseph Riggio, we will start at the beginning ... with you, and how you experience and know yourself to be on the inside ... and then we'll guide you through the process of developing the freedom to reveal and express yourself fully with elegance and precision developing a level of communication mastery that will serve you in creating and achieving whatever you intend, on your own and with others.
Beyond all that when you're ready here's how we can continue to help you :
As you personally evolve, your satisfaction and success in life does too. We're here to give you the resources, input, training, and coaching support you need for strategic yet effortless growth.
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Intensive Online Training
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Masterminds & Coaching
We are as committed to your personal growth as you are, when you're ready reach out to arrange a brief 15-minute call with one of our senior advisor coaches to discuss your personal interests and desires.
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ready to come home to yourself?
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Mastering the Human Game
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